Together Strong Since 2014

Donation photo from 2024

For ten years now, ehb electronics gmbh has been supporting the Löwenherz Children's Hospice e.V.

It is important to us to contribute within our means to promote the invaluable work of the organization and support families in challenging life situations.

On December 20, 2024, we had the opportunity to welcome the ambassadors of the children's hospice to our premises.

Together with our Managing Director, Mr. Bernd Reinmold, our HR Manager, Ms. Iris Lichomski, presented a check for €2,000.00.

This support is part of our ongoing commitment, which we are pleased to provide.

The long-standing partnership with the Löwenherz Children's Hospice is more than a tradition for us:

It is a reflection of our responsibility and appreciation for this indispensable work.

If you, too, would like to support the work of the Löwenherz Children's Hospice, you can find more information at

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